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IACMR Bimonthly Newsletter

June 2024

Dear IACMR Community,

We hope you’re all having a great summer! Over the past two months, we’ve been busy with several exciting activities, which will be highlighted for you:

  • The preparations for our 2025 conference are underway.
    • The call for paper submissions has been released 
    • We encourage you to register as a reviewer.
    • Sponsorship packages are now available, if you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Professor Jia Ming (, chair of the Local Arrangement Committee.
  • 2024 IACMR Board Election Results Released
    • Congratulations to Professor Xu Huang and our newly elected representatives. More details.
  • IACMR Women’s Development Support Committee Founded
  •  Learn more.
  • IACMR Teaching and Learning Forum: 
    • The 7th session of this forum was held on June 27, 2024, featuring a presentation by Professor Xin Wei from Renmin University.
  • IACMR Research Seminar Series
    • Session 48: Held on May 22, 2024, with Professor Riki Takeuchi.
    • Session 49: Scheduled for July 31, 2024, with Professor Zhenyu Liao. Register here.
  • 20th IACMR Young Scholars Development Series
    • Held on June 25, 2024, with over 500 participants.
  • 2024 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant Recipients
  • MOR 20.2 Published, and 20.3 will be soon online! 

Please click here (in English) and here (in Chinese) to view details of our Bimonthly Briefing.

Looking ahead, we have some exciting events planned for this summer:

  • Our 12th Research Method Workshop will take place at Shandong University from July 7-11, with 13 faculty and 120 PhD students from universities around the world attending.
  • Together with our MOR editors, we’re organizing a series of webinars aimed at enhancing review quality for the upcoming IACMR 2025 conference. These webinars will be invaluable for anyone looking to improve their reviewing skills and contribute to the academic community. Register here.
  • Dr. Zhenyu Liao of Northeastern University will be presenting a talk on “The Gendered Liability of Venture Novelty” at an IACMR Research Seminar Series. Register here.
  • As 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Management and Organization Review, our flagship journal, we’ll be holding a series of celebratory activities at the Academy of Management conference in Chicago this August. Please stay tuned for the announcement! 

We’d love your continued involvement and support for our community:

We are excited about the many activities and initiatives taking place within IACMR. We encourage you all to stay engaged, together, we can continue to advance management research and education in China and beyond. Wishing you all a wonderful summer!