IACMR Bimonthly Briefing – 2022 June
1. IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series Session #11
2. IACMR Research Seminar Series Session #24-25
3. IACMR Teaching and Learning Forum Session #5
4. 2022 Grant Winners of Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund
5. Postponed | 2022 IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop
6. Online | 2022 IACMR Research Method Workshop
7. 2022 IACMR Officer Election Results
•Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
1. Article of the Month (May-June)
2. MOR18.2 Table of Contents and Abstracts
3. Special Issue CFP| Understanding Contemporary Chinese MNES: Extending and Challenging International Business Theory
• Management Insights (MI) Updates
1. Current MI Issue
• Community News
1. Job Opening|Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Taicang)
2. Job Opening|Xiamen University Malaysia
3. Data of “China Family Panel Studies”(CFPS)is Free to Download
4. New Book| Management Communication
• IACMR News
1. IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series Session #11-12
The 11th session of IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series was held on May 13, this was the 1st session of IACMR-Wiley Webinar Series: Publishing Successfully on International Management Journals, and the theme was: First Step to Success—From Writing to Submission, the speaker was Professor Shuang Ren from Deakin University (Co Editor-in-Chief for British Journal of Management), Professor Wei He from Nanjing University hosted this session.
The 12th session of IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series will be held on July 26, this is the 2nd session of IACMR-Wiley Webinar Series: Publishing Successfully on International Management Journals, and the theme is “Theorizing through Literature Reviews: Are you a Miner or a Prospector?”, the speaker was Professor Dermot Breslin from Rennes School of Business, France, Professor Jiwen (Lynda) Song from the University of Leeds will be the host, please click here to register.
2. IACMR Research Seminar Series Session #24-25
The topic of 24th session of IACMR Research Seminar Series was Pushing the Boundaries of Organizational Research: Examining Cannabis Use at Work, Human-animal Work, and Technology-induced Cultural Change, the speaker was Dr. Yam Kai Chi from National University of Singapore and the host was Professor Ning Li from Tsinghua University, there was no recording available for this session.
The 25th session of IACMR Research Seminar Series was held on June 8 and the title was Conducting Phenomenon-Based Research, the speaker was Professor Feng Zhu from Harvard Business School. Professor Eric Zhao from the University of Indiana hosted the speech, more than 500 audiences was attracted by this session.
3. IACMR Teaching and Learning Forum session #5
The fifth session of IACMR Teaching and Learning Forum was held on June 16, 2022, the title of the talk was Grabbing and Holding Attention in Class: The Science of Learning and Applications to Teaching, the speaker was Professor Raymond A. Friedman from Vanderbilt University, past president of IACMR. President of IACMR, professor Zhi-Xue Zhang from Peking University hosted this session, the summary of the talk is accessible here (in Chinese).
4. 2022 Grant Winners of Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund
It’s the 7th year to invite proposals for the fund grant, the Call for Proposals was announced on March 14, 2022. By the submission deadline of April 30, 2022, 50 valid proposals had been received from students worldwide, Qi Fang (Zhejiang University), Jiahui He (Zhejiang University), Wenjie Liu (Erasmus University),Zimin Liu (Peking University) and Yi Peng (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) won the prize, each of them has received the grant of 10000 RMB (before tax), please click here for more detailed information.
5. Postponed | 2022 IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop
2022 IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop will be held from October 28 to 30 at School of Business Administration of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. This workshop is designed for faculty members with at least two years’ teaching experience in the field of management. The application deadline is August 15 2022, please click here for more information.
6. Online | 2022 IACMR Research Method Workshop
2022 IACMR Research Method Workshop will be held online from July 11 to 14 instead of on site in Lanzhou University due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the preparatory work of the workshop is progressing smoothly so far.
7. 2022 IACMR Officer Election Results
We are delighted to announce the following voting results of the 2022 IACMR officer election. Many thanks to the members who have actively participated in this important event of IACMR! Warm congratulations to the newly elected IACMR board members and student representatives! Please click here for the new (2023) IACMR committee members. We are confident that IACMR will grow bigger and stronger with their added skills and energy!
• Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
1. Article of the Month (Marth-April)
Knowledge Hiding and Hider’s Innovative Behavior in Chinese Organizations: The Mediating Role of Silence Behavior and the Moderating Role of Zhongyong Thinking
Liangyong Chen, Xiaozhen Luo, Fei Zhou and Tianqi Zhang
Achieving Mutual Understanding Without Saying a Word: The Conceptualization of Moqi and a Nomological Network
Xiao-Ping Chen and Benjamin M. Cole
2. MOR18.2 Table of Contents and Abstracts
Please click to get the MOR18.2 ToC and MOR18.12 Abstracts.
3. Special Issue CFP| Understanding Contemporary Chinese MNES: Extending and Challenging International Business Theory
This special issue aims to improve our understanding of Chinese MNEs as well as to offer a unique opportunity to re-consider diverse extant theories on MNEs by promoting an extension to account for those of Chinese origin. In particular, investigating Chinese MNEs can provide appropriate implications for MNEs from other emerging economies. We seek papers that advance theoretical perspectives, which are able to integrate the extant theoretical lens into Chinese MNEs, provide valuable insights and new knowledge, and subsequently, offer implications for MNEs from emerging economies. Please click here for more detailed information.
• Management Insights (MI) Updates
1. Current MI Issue
Please search “复旦管理视野” small program in WeChat for current (28th issue) and back MI issues. Paid IACMR members can go to dedicated member area of IACMR website for back issues of MI.
• Community News
1. Job Opening|Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Taicang)
Please click here for the job description.
2. Job Opening|Xiamen University Malaysia
Please click here for details.
3. Data of “China Family Panel Studies”(CFPS)is Free to Download
China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) is a nationwide, comprehensive social tracking survey designed to reflect social, economic, demographic, educational, and health changes in China by tracking and collecting data at the individual, household, and community levels, and to provide a data base for academic and policy research. CFPS data is free to download once the application is approved, please submit your application online by clicking here if you are interested.
4. Book|Management Communication
Based on the experience accumulated by the editor-in-chief Zhi-Xue Zhang and his team in years of teaching, this book integrates a large number of classic and original research results with practical cases of management communication from the perspective of leadership and organizational behavior, forming a unique content system. Please click here for a detailed introduction (in Chinese) to the book.
• Your Input Welcomed
Your contributions are also welcomed. You can send us news about members’ activities, research information, feedback about IACMR, and information from management field, etc. to iacmrmembership@pku.edu.cn. Submission deadline is 15th of every even-month.