IACMR Research Seminar Series

Research Seminar Past Sessions Archive

IACMR Research Seminar Series is a monthly, zoom-based seminar series for scholars around the world. Through this platform, we hope to provide IACMR members with greater access to high-quality management research, especially during these times of restricted travel.

Topics: OB, HR, Strategy, etc.
When:  the fourth Wednesday of each month(China Time)- Please mark on your calendar!
Language: Alternating each month, Chinese/English
Access:  IACMR Members  

Current fee-paying members can access the videos by logging in to the Dedicated Member Area

Past Sessions Archive

Session #53

Title: The Role of Replication Studies in Addressing the Credibility Crisis in Scientific Research
: Maria Kraimer, University at Buffalo
Host: Jie (Jasmine) Feng, Rutgers University
: November 20th, 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM China Time (November 19th, 8:00 PM to 9:15 PM EST.)
Language: En

Session #52

Title: Emerging Issues in Corporate Ownership
Speaker: Brian Connelly, Harbert College of Business, Auburn University
Host: Shuping Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
When: 9:00-10:15 am, Oct. 10, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English
Where: Zoom (no recording)

Session #51

Title: From strategic HRM to sustainable HRM? Exploring a common-good approach
Speaker: Fang Lee Cooke, Monash Business School
When: 9:00-10:15 am, September 18, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: Chinese
Where: Zoom

Session #50

Title: Understanding Investor Impatience for Financial Returns and Social Outcomes
Speaker: Dónal Crilly, London Business School
Host: Shuping Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
When: 20:00-21:15, August 28, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English
Where: Zoom

Session #49

TitleThe Gendered Liability of Venture Novelty
Speaker: Zhenyu Liao廖振宇), Northeastern University
Host: Yucheng Zhang, University of Southampton
: 9:00- 10:15 am, July 31, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: Chinese 
Where: Zoom

Session #48

Title: Meta-analytic extension of the mediating mechanisms in strategic HRM
Speaker: Riki Takeuchi, The University of Texas at Dallas
Host: Jie (Jasmine) Feng, Rutgers University
: 9:00-10:15 am, May 22, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #47

Title:Using Multiverse Analysis to Test and Build Theory: Illustrating with CEO Gender Pay Inequality
: Aaron Hill, Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida
: 9:00-10:15 a.m., April 24, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English

Session #46

Title: Leveraging Inclusion Management Practices for Organizational Functioning
: Yixuan Li, Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida
Host: Wei He, Nanjing University
: 10:00- 11:15 am, Mar. 28, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: Chinese 

Session #45

Title: Desert Places: Cooperatives as Infrastructure Providers in Marginalized Areas
Speaker: Jiao Luo, University of Minnesota
Host: Cuili Qian, The University of Texas at Dallas
When: 9:00- 10:15 am, Feb. 28, 2024 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English
Where: Zoom

Session #44

TopicPublishing in Academy of Management Review: What Constitutes a Meaningful Conceptual Contribution 
Speaker: Kris Byron, Georgia State University
Time: January 24,2024 (Beijing Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English

Session #43

Topic: Firms’ Rhetorical Nationalism: Theory, Measurement, and Evidence from a Computational Analysis of Chinese Public Firms
Speaker: Lori (Qingyuan) Yue, Columbia Business School
Time: 9:00-10:15am, December 20, 2023 (Beijing time)
Language: Chinese

Session #42

TopicUnleashing Potential: Nurturing Proactivity in the Workplace
Speaker: Prof. Chiahuei Wu, King’s College London
Time: 19:00- 20:15, Nov.22, 2023 (Beijing Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English

Session #41

Topic: Initial Progress on the Science of Science
Speaker: Dashun Wang, Northwestern University
Time: Oct. 18 9:30pm BJ time
Language: English

Session #40

Topic: The functions and dysfunctions of workplace gossip
Speaker: Dr. Huiwen Lian, Texas A&M University
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, September 27, 2023 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: Chinese

Session #39

Topic:Information-based competition: the case of rival common owners in rating agencies
Speaker: Wei Shi, University of Miami
Time:9:00- 10:15 am, August 30, 2023 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English

Session #38

Topic: The gendered costs of voice (un)enacted for belonging
SpeakerCrystal Farh, University of Washington
Time: July 26th,2023
Language: English

Session #37

Topic: Revolutionizing Emotional Labor in Organizations: Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the Rescue
Speaker: Nan Jia, University of Southern California
Time: 9:00- 10:15 June 7, 2023 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English/Chinese

Session #36

TopicThe Bamboo Ceiling in US Business Schools: Who Receives Tenure and Becomes Dean?
SpeakerJackson G. Lu, MIT
Time: 9:00- 10:15 May 17, 2023 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English/Chinese

Session #35

Topic: Solutions in Search of Problems? Organizational Learning and the Diffusion of New Technologies
Speaker: Vibha Gaba, INSEAD
Time: April 19, 9:00-10:15 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #34

TopicGenetics, Personality, and Leadership: Implications for Leader Development and Well-Being
SpeakerWendong Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Time: March 23 2023, 9:00-10:15 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: Chinese

Session #33

TopicSocial Issue Activism In & Around Organizations: Current Research and a Framework
SpeakerForrest S. Briscoe,The Pennsylvania State University
Time: March 1 2023, 9:00-10:15 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #32

Topic: Newcomers Building Social Capital by Proactive Networking: A Signaling Perspective
SpeakerSongqi Liu, Georgia State University
Time: 9:00-10:15 am, January 11, 2023 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #31

Topic: Problem-Solving with Sub-goals: How Primary and Secondary Goals Interact
SpeakerHenrich Greve (INSEAD)
Time: 9:00-10:15am, December 20, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #30

Theme: Upper echelon theory and CEO humility research: Reflections on a journey of perseverance and hope
Amy Ou, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
 9:00-10:15 a.m. November 23, 2022(Beijing time)

Session #29

Topic: Bridge over Troubled Waters? Inter-state Political Conflicts, Types of Corporate Political Ties and International Joint Ventures
Speaker: Rose Luo (INSEAD)
Time: 9:00-10:15am, Oct 26, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: Chinese

Session #28

Topic: Virtually Possible: Understanding Remote Work and Its Implications for Work and Life
Speaker: Jasmine Hu, the Ohio State University
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, Sept. 28, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English

Session #27

Topic: Herd Protection in Foreign Direct Investments: The Asymmetric Roles of State- and Non-state-owned Enterprises
Speaker: Yan Anthea Zhang, Rice University
Time: 9:00 am-10:15 am, August 24, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: Chinese

Session #26

Topic: Publishing Impactful Meta-Analysis and Handling the Revise-and-Resubmit Process at a Top Journal: The Case of Prosocial Motivation and Its Work Outcomes
Speaker: Rong Su, University of Iowa
Time: 11:00 am-12:15 pm, July 28, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: Chinese

Session #25

Topic: Conducting Phenomenon-Based Research
Speaker: Feng Zhu, Harvard Business School
Time: 9:00-10:15 am, June 8, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)/ 9:00-10:15 pm, June 7 (US EST)
Language: Chinese

Session #24

Topic: Pushing the Boundaries of Organizational Research: Examining Cannabis Use at Work, Human-animal Work, and Technology-induced Cultural Change
Speaker: Yam Kai Chi, National University of Singapore
Time: 9:00-10:15 a.m. May 25, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #23

Topic: Assessing the Social Impact of Corporations: Evidence from Management Control Interventions in the Supply Chain to Increase Worker Wages
Speaker: Greg Distelhorst (University of Toronto)
Time: 9:00-10:15am, April 20, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #22

Topic: Multilevel Theory and Analysis: Ongoing Debates and Future Directions
Speaker: Zhen Zhang, Southern Methodist University
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, March 30, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: Chinese


Session #21

Theme: Social Movements and Workplace Allies
Speaker: Brayden King, Northwestern University
When: 9:00- 10:15 am, Feb. 16, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8) 
Language: English

Session #20

TOPIC: Charting New Terrain in Work Design: A Study of Hybrid Work Characteristics
Speaker: Jia Lin Xie, University of Toronto
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, Jan. 26th, 2022 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #19

TOPIC: Measure twice, cut once: achieving exceptional growth in nascent online fashion markets
Speaker: Kathleen Eisenhardt, Stanford University, Ben Hallen, University of Washington
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, Dec. 15, 2021 (China Time)
Language: English

Session #18

TOPIC: Breaking Organizational Silos: Examining the Effects of Intragroup Identification on Employee Cross-Group Collaborations 
Speaker: Ning Li, Tsinghua University
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, Nov. 24, 2021 (China Time)
Language: Chinese

Session #17

Theme: Do Investors Prefer Democratic or Republican CEOs? A Systematic Study of Shareholder Reactions to New CEOs’ Political Ideologies
Speaker: David Zhu, Arizona State University
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, Oct. 27, 2021 (China Time)
Language: Chinese

Session #16

Theme: Event System Theory: Insights and Applications in Organizational Research
Speaker: Dong Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, Sept. 22, 2021 (China Time, UTC+8)
Language: English

Session #15

Theme: The Institutional Logics Perspective: Developments and New Directions
Speaker: Michael Lounsbury, University of Alberta
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, August 25, 2021 (China Time)
Language: English

Session #14

Theme: 员工经历的危机与创造力
Speaker: Yaping Gong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, July 28, 2021 (China Time)
Language: Chinese

Session # 13

Speaker: Brian Wu, University of Michigan
Theme: A Resource-based Theory of Hyperspecialization and Hyperscaling in Digital Firms
Time: 9:30- 10:45 am, June 23, 2021 (China Time)
Language: Chinese

Session # 12

Speaker: Wu Liu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Theme: Management and Organization Research in the Chinese Healthcare Context: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges
Time:9:00- 10:15 am, May 26, 2021 (China Time)
Language: English

Session # 11

Speaker: Tony Tong, University of Colorado
Theme: Patents as Pipes and Prisms: Opportunities for Strategic Management Research
Time:9:00- 10:15 am, April 28, 2021 (China Time)
Language: English

Session # 10

Speaker: Zhi-Xue Zhang, Peking University
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, March 24, 2021 (China Time)
Language: Chinese

Session #9

Speaker: Prof. Guoli Chen, INSEAD
Title: Strategic Human Capital Departure: Using Events to Understand its Antecedents and Consequences.
Time: 9:00-10:15am, February 24, 2021 (China time)
Language: Chinese

Session #8

Speaker: Mo Wang, Warrington College of Business at University of Florida
Title: Best Not to Know: Pay Secrecy, Employee Voluntary Turnover, and the Conditioning Effect of Distributive Justice
Time:9:00- 10:15 am, January 27, 2021 (China Time)

Session #7

Speaker:Prof. Wei Shen,Arizona State University
Title: The Nearness of You: Competitive Rankings, Tiered Status Hierarchies, and Strategic Risk-taking
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am, December 23, 2020 (Beijing Time)
Language: English

Session #6

Speaker: Jing Zhou (Rice University)
Title: Finding Joy in Research
When:9:00- 10:15 am, Nov. 25, 2020 (Beijing time)
Language: English

Session #5

Speaker: Prof. Yanjie Bian (University of Minnesota)
Title: Theoretical Construction and Behavioral Significance of Virus-Combat Social Capital
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am
Date: October 28, 2020
Language: Chinese

Session #4

Speaker: Prof. Xu Huang (Hong Kong Baptist University )
Title: Power of love: Intimate relationships of top executives and firm performance
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am (China time)
Date: Sept. 23, 2020
Language: English

Session #3

Speaker: Heli Wang (Singapore Management University)
Title: Heaven is High and the Emperor is Far Away: Information Asymmetry, State Inattention, and Firm Implementation of State Environmental Policy (with Xiyi Yang and Xiaoyu Zhou)
Time: 9:00-10:15 am (China time)
Date: August 26, 2020
Language: Chinese

Session #2

Speaker: Prof. Xiao-Ping Chen (University of Washington)
Title: Moral Consistency or Moral Licensing? The Conceptualization of Moral Elasticity Quotient and a Preliminary Test
9:00- 10:15 am (China time)
Date: July 22, 2020
Language: English

Session #1

Speaker: Prof. Runtian Jing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Title: 实证主义 vs.诠释主义:两种经典案例研究范式的比较与启示
Time: 9:00- 10:15 am (China time)
Date: June 24, 2020
Language: Chinese 

IACMR Research Seminar Series Committee

Cuili Qian,The University of Texas at Dallas (Co-Chair)
Wei He, Nanjing University (Co-Chair)